Precision Health Corp PCC Limited (PHC) (Company number: 017704V) is incorporated in the Isle of Man as a protected cell company under the Isle of Man Companies Act 2006 and is classified as a closed-ended investment company. This jurisdiction offers mature financial services with experienced, professional, legal and accounting infrastructure. The regulatory environment is thorough and pragmatic with a tax-neutral environment for companies.
Continuing an investment strategy that began in 2018 as a three-families office, “Skyviews Life Science Limited”, PHC will have the power and mandate to own assets in its own name and invest in the sectors of precision health and longevity, with a focus on biotechnology, advanced nutrition and digital health.
Evolving from reactive disease care, to care that is predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory (P4). This new paradigm focuses on big data, better lifestyles and tailored diets/treatments, as each individual’s health experience and longevity potential are unique.
Persons who are considering subscribing for or acquiring shares in Precision Health Corp PCC Limited must do so only on the basis of the information contained in the final form private placement memorandum for that company, which may be different from the information provided in this website. The information contained in this website, including any data, projections and underlying assumptions, is based upon certain assumptions, management forecasts and analysis of information available and reflects prevailing conditions and the scientific advisor’s views, all of which are subject to change at any time without notice. While the information provided in this website is believed to be reliable Precision Health Corp PCC and Skyviews Life Science SA. make no representation or warranty whether express or implied, and accept no responsibility for, its completeness or accuracy or reliability.
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after the forthcoming quarterly report.