in Precision Health
and Longevity

Our mission is to generate long-term value for our shareholders, 
while making a positive impact on people’s quality of life. 
We invest in disruptive entrepreneurs, technologies, and products 
in the sectors of precision health and longevity.

Focused on return
on investment

Investment Strategy

Our approach is rooted in a new paradigm – evolving from reactive healthcare to predictive, preventive and personalized healthcare by leveraging big data, better lifestyles, tailored diet, and breakthrough treatments, as each individual’s health experience and longevity potential are unique.

We invest in companies with disruptive technologies, based on strong intellectual property, that can improve people’s longevity and quality of life, stemming from three distinct but overlapping areas: Biotechnology, Advanced Nutrition and Digital Health.


The best science
changes lives.

Medical innovations and outstanding entrepreneurial talent, building companies around platforms and products that maintain and improve health.

Advanced nutrition

Companies shaping
the future of food.

We seek food technology innovators creating tasty and healthy products in the consumer space, pioneering personalized nutrition to prevent or manage chronic diseases.

Digital health

A strong enabler
of “Personalized health”.

Technology platforms that monitor people’s needs and manage their health. New industries and business models for the highest impact and return of our time.
Solving food allergies and
sensitivities by mapping protein
interactions with our body.”​
Anat Binur, Ukko Co-Founder and CEO
Each individual’s health
experience is unique and
deserves personalized care.”​
Stefan Catsicas, PHC Co-Founder and Director
Our mission is to deliver
preventive healthcare
to a billion people. ”​
Adrian Aoun, Go Forward Co-Founder and CEO
High-quality nutrition
for everyone while being good
to animals and the planet. ”​
Didier Toubia, Aleph Farms Co-Founder and CEO


The founders of Precision Health Corp. are international executives and thought
leaders with deep banking, investment, and science expertise.

S. Catsicas

Founding investor and director

Stefan’s career spans the academic, corporate and entrepreneurial sectors. Former CTO and Executive Board member of Nestlé Global, he also served as Head of Neuroscience at the Glaxo Institute, as Chairman of Cell Biology at the School of Medicine of Lausanne, and as Vice-President Research at the Swiss Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale. He cofounded and advised biotechnology companies and large investment funds.
Solving food allergies and sensitivities by mapping proteins interactions with our body. ”​
Anat Binur,
Ukko Co-Founder and CEO
Each individual’s healths experiences unique and deserves personalized care.”​
Stefan Catsicas,
PHC Co-Founder and Director
Our mission is to deliver preventive healthcare to a billion people. ”​
Adrian Aoun,
Go Forward Co-Founder and CEO
High-quality nutrition
for everyone while being good to animals and the planet. ”​
Didier Toubia,
Aleph Farms Co-Founder and CEO

J-P. Aoun

Founding investor

Jean-Pierre has more than twenty years’ experience in private banking and wealth management. Prior to co-Founding Crossbridge Capital, he was a Director at Credit Suisse, where he was a core member of a three-person team credited with building a significant wealth management portfolio, representing a major portion of the Middle East activity of the London office. Prior to joining Credit Suisse, Jean-Pierre was an Analyst at JP Morgan Private Bank.

B. Collardi

Founding investor

Boris is a former managing partner at Banque Pictet & Cie, in Geneva. Prior to this, he was Chief Executive Officer of Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. and of Julius Baer Group Ltd. During his tenure, he played a decisive role in the positioning of Julius Baer as one of the premier addresses in global wealth management. In previous years, Boris was Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer EMEA of Credit Suisse Private Banking.

How we invest

Early and late-stage private companies represent more than 80% of our assets.
We also consider crossover rounds, IPOs, listed companies and selected funds that have a specific thematic or geographical advantage and give us co-investment rights.

biological diversity

Board of Directors

Precision Health Corp. is a protected cell company that is registered in the Isle of Man, a jurisdiction
which offers mature financial services with experienced, professional, legal and accounting infrastructure.
The regulatory environment is thorough and pragmatic with a tax-neutral environment for companies.

Stefan Catsicas

Stefan is a founder of Precision Health Corp. and acts as an executive director of the company. His career spans the corporate, academic, and entrepreneurial sectors. Trained in neuroscience in Switzerland and California, he served on the executive Boards of major academic institutions and corporations, including the Lausanne School of Medicine, the Swiss Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale and Nestlé Global.

Tim Shepherd

Tim is the managing director of Cains Advocates Limited and a director of Cains’ affiliated corporate and trust services provider. He was awarded a BSc in Economics and Accounting in 1992 and a LLM (Awarded with Distinction) in 1995, both from Bristol University. In 2008 Tim received the First Deemster’s Commendation (a discretionary award for those who truly excel in the Manx bar exams) and he became a public notary in the Isle of Man in 2016.

Tristan Head

Tristan is a director of Cains Advocates Limited and is also managing director of Cains’ affiliated corporate and trust services provider (Cains Corporate Services Limited). Tristan studied music and law at Cambridge University and was awarded a Master of Arts (MA) in 1997. Whilst at university, Tristan sang in the world-renowned Choir of King’s College Cambridge.
0 %
Year-on-year increase of VC
investments in biotech & pharma
The number of ongoing clinical
trials in the microbiome
$ 0 B
The amount raised by digital health
start-ups per quarter in 2021

Our portfolio in the three investment areas:
Biotechnology, Advanced Nutrition and Digital Health.

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directly to us and we will answer you as soon as we can.